Lewis and Clark Expedition
My journey to school
i pulled out my driveway one morning to go to school. i turn a left on to the main road and wait in traffic. i noticed the weather it was not to hot not to cold and partly sunny. i noticed a man cutting a mattress with a knife. as the light turned green i went straight over the bridge and went to school.
My journey to football
my journey to football was fast. i was late because i had to talk to my teacher after school. my dad had to pick me up from school and dive me to football. the drive wasn't long nearly no traffic and nothing caught my eye. i arrived to my football practice early so i wouldn't get ion trouble.
journey to dinner
my journey to dinner was a long one. it was normally a half an hour away but traffic changed that. it was pretty chilly that day and very cloudy. the leaves were still very colorful. the cause of the accident was because of road work. it almost doubled in time to get there.
My journey to school (again)
i pulled out of my drive way from a different house this time. i take a right when i back out of the driveway and drive up the street. i wait for a car to hopefully let us go. it takes some time and then i wait in traffic to get across the bridge. after passing over the bridge it is smooth sailing from there.
i know i would not enjoy writing everything that i see down and i would preferably not want to do it again. i think it was kind of a hassle and not worth writing down.
The real Lewis and Clark
[Clark, April 1, 1805]
April 1st 1805 we have Thunder lightning hail and rain to day the first rain of note Sinc the 15 of October last, I had the Boat Perogus & Canos put in the water, and expect to Set off the boat with despatches in her will go 6 Americans 3 frenchmen, and perhaps Several ricarra Chief imediately after we Shall assend in 2 perogus & 6 canoes, accompanied by 5 french who intends to assend a Short distance to trap the beavr which is in great abundance highr up our party will consist of one Interpter & Hunter, one French man as an interpreter with his two wives (this man Speaks Minetary to his wives who are L hiatars or Snake Indians of the nations through which we Shall pass, and to act as interpretress thro him)—26 americans & french my servant and an Mandan Indian and provisions for 4 months
[Clark, April 1, 1805]
Fort Mandan April the 1st Tuesday 1805 The fore part of to day haile rain with Thunder & lightning, the rain continued by intimitions all day, it is worthey of remark that this is the 1st rain which has fallen Since we have been here or Since the 15 of October last, except a fiew drops at two or three defferent times
had the Boat Perogus & Canoes all put into the water.
[Clark, April 5, 1805]
April the 5th 1805 Thursday we have our 2 perogues & Six Canoes loaded with our Stores & provisions, principally provisions. the wind verry high from the N W. a number of Mandans visit us to day
[Clark, April 6, 1805]
April the 6th Friday Saturday 1805 a fine day visited by a number of mandans, we are informed of the arrival of the whole of the ricarra nation on the other Side of the river near their old village. we Sent an interpreter to See with orders to return imediately and let us know if their Chiefs ment to go down to See their great father.