Friday, December 12, 2014

Slavery timeline

Harriet Tubman 

  1. 1692 slaves are introduced into Jamestown
  2. 1763 230,000 slaves in America 
  3. 1860 demand for cotton textile four million African slaves
  4. 1847 Harriet Tubman leader of the underground railroad
  5. 1852 Fugitive Slave Act 
  6. 1857 a slave doesn't get liberty by entering a free state 
  7. 1860 Abe Lincoln wants to free the slaves
  8. 1861 7 states seceded from America to form the Federation   
  9. 1861 Civil war breaks out 
  10. Abraham Lincoln 
  11. civil war ends slaves are set free 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Last Letter To Family

To My Family,

It brings tears to my eyes that i will not see you or the city of Boston ever again.  I am currently living in the state of California.  i have always wondered what it is like over here  there are many new things out west that you don't have in the east.  there are a few reasons why I am leaving you guys forever.

the main reason why I am leaving you all forever is because of the gold rush.  if i can become rich with gold i invite all of you to come.  if you do come to visit i advise you that getting here is not so easy. Someone you know will sadly pass away if u try to come here this is why I advise you not to come on this long journey.  Being rich will also bring a good life.  I will have nice things and maybe even a new family here.  Although I know I could never replace you I just want something different.  It can't hurt to try to become successful and powerful.

Many people have tried coming here. Some have even succeeded. Lewis and Clark were the first to make it for I have been following their footsteps.  They have truly inspired me to go on this long long journy.  I have always wanted to discover new places. Places nobody has ever been before.  For this is my main goal.  One place that I have travled through is the Rocky Mountains.  They are so big so huge and so tough to get over. I thought I wasn't gonna make it.

So this is my final farewell to you. I love you all so very much and I hope you know that.  I know that I will most likely never see you again but I know I will miss you all very very much.  I have a new life now and it is time for me to move on.  I strongly to advise you to move on as well.  I will never forget any of you.

                                                                                                                    Allyn J Seamans

This is the Rocky Mountains that i had to cross

Why i moved

The footsteps i will be following

Voting Day

Voting Day

Election Day is a huge part of the United States.  This is where all the U.S citizens vote for the representations for our state and country.  It is on a Tuesday and a big part of every state. It is on a Tuesday because for a lot of people it takes a long way to travel to vote.  It is not on Monday because if the people left on Sunday it would interfere with church, so the moved it to a Tuesday.  For some states it is even a civic holiday.  These states are: Delaware, Hawaii Kentucky, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, West Virginia, and the territory of Puerto Rico.

Each state has many officials. Massachusetts, the state I live in, has are some of my representatives.

The United States House of Representatives 
  •  Nikki Tsongas: Democrat Representing the Boston area.
  • Sen. Edward Markey: Democrat
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Democrat
Massachusetts House of Representatives
  • Eileen Donoghue: Democrat 1st Middlesex
  • Thomas Golden, Jr: Democrat 16th Middlesex 
  •  Nikki Tsongas: Democrat Congressional District 

MA Governor: Deval Patrick
3 branches of a government

The Massachusetts Flag

Thursday, October 30, 2014

War of 1812

War of 1812
War of 1812 Map 

  • war was fought because of British ships stealing American sailors for for British Navy.
  • another reason is because the British tried to stir up things between the Native Americans and the Americans  
  • the americans won the war but compromises were made.  
  • the british had to stay off the coast of america and canada 
  • americans couldn't invade british 

Monday, October 20, 2014

1. Miranda Warning
Death Penalty



Lewis and Clark Expedition
My journey to school 
i pulled out my driveway one morning to go to school.  i turn a left on to the main road and wait in traffic. i noticed the weather it was not to hot not to cold and partly sunny.  i noticed a man cutting a mattress with a knife. as the light turned green i went straight over the bridge and went to school.

My journey to football
my journey to football was fast. i was late because i had to talk to my teacher after school.  my dad had to pick me up from school and dive me to football.  the drive wasn't long nearly no traffic and nothing caught my eye.  i arrived to my football practice early so i wouldn't get ion trouble.

My journey to dinner 
my journey to dinner was a long one.  it was normally a half an hour away but traffic changed that.  it was pretty chilly that day and very cloudy.  the leaves were still very colorful.  the cause of the accident was because of road work.  it almost doubled in time to get there.

My journey to school (again)
i pulled out of my drive way from a different house this time.  i take a right when i back out of the driveway and drive up the street.  i wait for a car to hopefully let us go.  it takes some time and then i wait in traffic to get across the bridge.  after passing over the bridge it is smooth sailing from there.

i know i would not enjoy writing everything that i see down and i would preferably not want to do it again.  i think it was kind of a hassle and not worth writing down.  

The real Lewis and Clark  

[Clark, April 1, 1805]

April 1st 1805 we have Thunder lightning hail and rain to day the first rain of note Sinc the 15 of October last, I had the Boat Perogus & Canos put in the water, and expect to Set off the boat with despatches in her will go 6 Americans 3 frenchmen, and perhaps Several ricarra Chief imediately after we Shall assend in 2 perogus & 6 canoes, accompanied by 5 french who intends to assend a Short distance to trap the beavr which is in great abundance highr up our party will consist of one Interpter & Hunter, one French man as an interpreter with his two wives (this man Speaks Minetary to his wives who are L hiatars or Snake Indians of the nations through which we Shall pass, and to act as interpretress thro him)—26 americans & french my servant and an Mandan Indian and provisions for 4 months

[Clark, April 1, 1805]

Fort Mandan April the 1st Tuesday 1805 The fore part of to day haile rain with Thunder & lightning, the rain continued by intimitions all day, it is worthey of remark that this is the 1st rain which has fallen Since we have been here or Since the 15 of October last, except a fiew drops at two or three defferent times

had the Boat Perogus & Canoes all put into the water.

[Clark, April 5, 1805]

April the 5th 1805 Thursday we have our 2 perogues & Six Canoes loaded with our Stores & provisions, principally provisions. the wind verry high from the N W. a number of Mandans visit us to day

[Clark, April 6, 1805]

April the 6th Friday Saturday 1805 a fine day visited by a number of mandans, we are informed of the arrival of the whole of the ricarra nation on the other Side of the river near their old village. we Sent an interpreter to See with orders to return imediately and let us know if their Chiefs ment to go down to See their great father.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thomas Jefferson and King George texts

Thomas Jefferson: King George we would like to remove from England and become our own free country.

King George: and why would you like to do this.

Thomas Jefferson: well the taxes are becoming to much to handle for us. we got all of the money and your taking it all away.

King George: well yes I gave the authority to find where you are and without me you wouldn't be making all this money now would you.

Thomas Jefferson: we have been working hard and now you have been sending more and more British soldiers to enforce laws we do not want to follow your laws any longer. If you do not allow this we shall start a war.

King George: good luck we have the worlds strongest army.

Thomas Jefferson: we have a George Washington
George Washington

Monday, September 8, 2014

French and Indian War

French and Indian war

Map of French and Indian War

  • also called the seven years war.
  • lasted from 1756 to 1763
  • this dispute who could have control of the rivers and bays 
  • both the rivers and bays were key trade routes  
  • British started the war with almost two million people while French had only sixty thousand 
  • called French and Indian war because the french were outnumbered so they had to rely on their allies the Indians. 
  • the British had found a way to win and the french had to give up control of some of their land