Monday, May 4, 2015

Leading Up to the Civil War

Missouri Compromise: the Missouri Compromise was made in 1820 by Henry Clay. It was a compromise between the north and the south to regulate slave and free stats in the western territory.

Wilmot Provisio: The Wilmot Provisio was in 1846-1848. It was designed to eliminate slavery in the territory that was acquired from  Mexico.

Compromise of 1850: in 1850 Senator Henry Clay proposed a series of resolutions to the problems of slavery and the problems between the north and south.

Uncle Tom's Cabin: Book was published on March 20, 1852.  This book was written to show the true horrors of slavery. to all the people in the north it caused an out rage and could be what had actually caused the civil war.

Kansas Nebraska Act: it was in 1854 and it stated that the people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska could decide weather they ca own slaves or not.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

What Slaves and Women Had in Common in the 1840's-1850's

In the 1800's most people would thinking that only slaves are fighting for freedom, but woman were fighting too.  in 1852 Fredrick Douglas wrote a speech on what to the slaves was the Fourth of July.  He says its an injustice and a lie to all the slaves.  The first woman's rights convention was created in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848 by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. These equal rights movements are still going to this present day.  Both slaves and women had to fight for equality to live a normal life.  Both Slaves and women were denied an education. Women were aloud to read and write but they were denied to go to colleges.  Slaves were not aloud to read and write, if they did so they could be punished with torture and even death.  During their fight for freedom they both read the U.S. Declaration of Independance and used it on their side.  "All men were created equal" is what the slaves used.  No matter what skin color all men were created equal.  "Everyone has the right of the pursuit of happiness" is what woman used on their side.  No matter what race and what gender everyone has the right of the pursuit of happiness.

Monday, April 13, 2015

US and Cuba Meeting


United States and Cuba meeting

The United States and Cuba will meet together (1st time in over half a century)

  • Meeting between Barack Obama and Raul Castro 
  • Meeting held in Panama 
  • Obama and Castro will at least shake hands
  • U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez will be there as well 
  • The highest level of meeting

My thoughts:   I think this could be a very good meeting for the countries. I think this meeting can solve some differences between the countries. this meeting could also stop the hatred that each country has for each other.  

Friday, December 12, 2014

Slavery timeline

Harriet Tubman 

  1. 1692 slaves are introduced into Jamestown
  2. 1763 230,000 slaves in America 
  3. 1860 demand for cotton textile four million African slaves
  4. 1847 Harriet Tubman leader of the underground railroad
  5. 1852 Fugitive Slave Act 
  6. 1857 a slave doesn't get liberty by entering a free state 
  7. 1860 Abe Lincoln wants to free the slaves
  8. 1861 7 states seceded from America to form the Federation   
  9. 1861 Civil war breaks out 
  10. Abraham Lincoln 
  11. civil war ends slaves are set free 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Last Letter To Family

To My Family,

It brings tears to my eyes that i will not see you or the city of Boston ever again.  I am currently living in the state of California.  i have always wondered what it is like over here  there are many new things out west that you don't have in the east.  there are a few reasons why I am leaving you guys forever.

the main reason why I am leaving you all forever is because of the gold rush.  if i can become rich with gold i invite all of you to come.  if you do come to visit i advise you that getting here is not so easy. Someone you know will sadly pass away if u try to come here this is why I advise you not to come on this long journey.  Being rich will also bring a good life.  I will have nice things and maybe even a new family here.  Although I know I could never replace you I just want something different.  It can't hurt to try to become successful and powerful.

Many people have tried coming here. Some have even succeeded. Lewis and Clark were the first to make it for I have been following their footsteps.  They have truly inspired me to go on this long long journy.  I have always wanted to discover new places. Places nobody has ever been before.  For this is my main goal.  One place that I have travled through is the Rocky Mountains.  They are so big so huge and so tough to get over. I thought I wasn't gonna make it.

So this is my final farewell to you. I love you all so very much and I hope you know that.  I know that I will most likely never see you again but I know I will miss you all very very much.  I have a new life now and it is time for me to move on.  I strongly to advise you to move on as well.  I will never forget any of you.

                                                                                                                    Allyn J Seamans

This is the Rocky Mountains that i had to cross

Why i moved

The footsteps i will be following

Voting Day

Voting Day

Election Day is a huge part of the United States.  This is where all the U.S citizens vote for the representations for our state and country.  It is on a Tuesday and a big part of every state. It is on a Tuesday because for a lot of people it takes a long way to travel to vote.  It is not on Monday because if the people left on Sunday it would interfere with church, so the moved it to a Tuesday.  For some states it is even a civic holiday.  These states are: Delaware, Hawaii Kentucky, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, West Virginia, and the territory of Puerto Rico.

Each state has many officials. Massachusetts, the state I live in, has are some of my representatives.

The United States House of Representatives 
  •  Nikki Tsongas: Democrat Representing the Boston area.
  • Sen. Edward Markey: Democrat
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Democrat
Massachusetts House of Representatives
  • Eileen Donoghue: Democrat 1st Middlesex
  • Thomas Golden, Jr: Democrat 16th Middlesex 
  •  Nikki Tsongas: Democrat Congressional District 

MA Governor: Deval Patrick
3 branches of a government

The Massachusetts Flag

Thursday, October 30, 2014

War of 1812

War of 1812
War of 1812 Map 

  • war was fought because of British ships stealing American sailors for for British Navy.
  • another reason is because the British tried to stir up things between the Native Americans and the Americans  
  • the americans won the war but compromises were made.  
  • the british had to stay off the coast of america and canada 
  • americans couldn't invade british